Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am a third year fashion student who is currently in the process of creating my final collection.
I am working towards a thorough and complete body of work which includes all research, artwork, technical aspects (working drawings, patterns etc), a collection, and photo shoot etc. The work is based around the Hip Hop influenced urban styles seen on the New York Subway, particularly in the Brooklyn area, along with the styles of Graffiti artwork seen around those areas, which is contrasted against and combined with the smart, work-wear, ‘suited and booted’ styles of dress seen on the London Underground. The collection will be urban inspired work wear which will be worn for work events such as conferences and launches when the customer wants to stand out and be noticed, all the supporting pieces in the body of work will reflect this.

Over my year in industry, whilst living in Brooklyn, New York, I experienced a large culture difference between England and America and I wanted to find a way to draw these together and find a balance between the two. From working in numerous offices, I found that it can be challenging to find suitable attire which expresses your personality so I wanted to offer an option to people like myself, in creative industries who want to be remembered whilst not pushing the boundaries so far that their superiors and peers would be offended. I am also greatly interested in the Hip Hop urban scene so I wanted to work on something, which I have an interest in to encourage me to push myself to work harder.

I included the graffiti aspect to my collection because I wanted to have something, which would require influence from an outside source and enable me to collaborate with someone else, making for a more realistic industry style experience and ultimately, product. This is the same reason for me taking steps to collaborate with a photography student, not only for my own benefit but also to provide some portfolio work for the other person.

I am looking into sustainable fashions and the reuse of materials as a way of incorporating my knowledge and awareness of current issues not only in the industry in which I am heading towards a career in but also generally in the world. This is also reflected in my choice of Graffiti artist as the one I am working with is very aware of environmental factors which goes hand in hand with the sustainability of my collection.v

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