Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday 3rd April - Sunday 11th April

This week has been a hectic week.

I completed all the garments possible without my printed fabric early on this week so the collection is beginning to come together and I can actually see it becoming a reality now.

I then began work on my press pack which includes:
Press release
Garment care pamphlet
Price list pamphlet
Look book

I have kept the layout the same throughout the whole collection and have made it so that it is possible to update for future collections easily. These items are now at a point where all I need to do is simply drop in the photo shoots and the working drawings to complete them.

I intend to put my press pack into a little paper package which hopefully I will be able to make the paper myself and have ordered some stickers with my logo on to fasten these closed, as well as some square badges to use as a promotional tool.

I have recevied my printed fabric and have cut out all this fabric and have begun to manufacture all the items. Every item has been started. I am still waiting on the plain white cotton satin but that should be arriving early next week. I am struggling slightly due to my lack of presser and on some garments a steam iron simply is not effective enough but this is easily rectifiable.

I have also begun work on my final moodboard but this is still in its infancy stages.

After speaking with the embroidery company I have bough the fabric to be embroidered (black cotton satin) and as soon as I have cut out the sizes I will be sending this off for manufacture.

I have also ordered all the shoes for the collection as well as the spray paint to stencil onto them.

I also thought it would be a nice touch to have customised zip pullers so have sourced some small silver metal boom box shapes ones which will be arriving soon.

Everything is slowly beginning to come together.

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