Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday 20th March

Today I made a couple of decisions with regard to my designs.

Outfit 3 -

Shirt: I decided that I would remove the back insert on the shirt as I think it will be too fussy and bulky with respect to the hood and collar. As a result I retraced my draft and remade the shirt, complete with facing to test the fit and in preparation for working on the collar and hood next week.

Trousers: Through adding in the pleats for a more aesthetically pleasing front I have formed a problem with regard to the pocket as this will now not work in the place I initially chose. I am still debating whether to simply move the pocket or to make it into more of a swag style pocket, in line with the other garments. This is something I will need to consider and possibly discuss with my tutor. Also from my first toile and previous issues, I have lengthened the leg to ensure enough length for the models.

Outfit 4 - T-shirt: following careful consideration I have realised that a t-shirt does not fit in very well with the collection as it seems a bit random and not really in line the intended product. Therefore I have decided that a fairly standard and simple, collarless white shirt with printed sleeves woule be more appropriate. So I toiled this today.

I worked on my shirt bodices and sleeves today so that they are ready to work on them early next week to get everything ready for final toile critique.

Following this I worked on my trousers which is when I made the decision to add inserts, rather than the pocket.

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