Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thursday 18th March

This evening was the second toile critique so I spent a bit of time this morning getting all my files in order, checking what needed to be done on each garment and generally organising my self.

Following this I was working on my shirt dress of outfit one, ensuring that the collar was up to scratch. during this I made a couple of mistakes but luckily they were easy to rectify.

one issues I had was the the back section of the collar was a little too large compared to the collar stand but I worked this in and changed it on my draft to ensure that next time I made it it would be more accurate.

I also discovered that the front two sections of the collar were too long and therefore I was unable to attach the bodice to the facing. I removed the excess and re-sewed the collar back together followed by sewing in the lining.

I then updated all my drafts.

I also worked on the leggings for outfit one. Following manufacturing the garment I made the decision to remove the side seam of the leggings because this will reduce the chance of mis-matching through the print.

Following removing this side seam, I re-made the garment and added a waist band. During the fit for this, I decided that they did not need to be at the waist so took them down to the hips and they were also too long so I reduced the length. Due to a lack of knowledge I made the waistband incorrectly so this is first job for next week.

The toile critique went well, with positive feedback from my tutor and a deadline set for me to attempt to complete all my toiles by the end of next week, which through careful planning, should be feesible.

Today I met my first year helper. Each third year is assigned a first year student to assist with any work they desire. I met my assistant and briefed her on whatI want her to do. Her roles included working drawings and production sketches, created on Illustrator and a personal design project based around bags.

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