Sunday, March 28, 2010

W/c Sunday 28th March

Sunday 28th March:

After booking in for my printing at the university printer, I realised that due to the date I was able to book for meant that I had 9days to make the whole collection due to the fact there is only one day a week available and on those days there is only 8meters available to be printed. And due to the fact that this is the only printer of this nature available to all studeents in the university, I began to look to outsource.

The only issue with outsourcing is that the cost increases greatly but the outcome and time factors prove that this is the best decision.

Today I worked on laying out my print for sending off tomorrow. I initially put together a layout on an A4 sheet and then I multiplied this and laid it into a half drop pattern on the size document I need to send direct the the printers which I intend to do tomorrow.

I also worked on the line up for the collection, including the extra two outfits today.

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